Thursday, August 22, 2013

a day at the beach with my boy

Took little man to the beach the other day just so he could blow off some "end of summer" steam. In all fairness, he's not returning to school this year due to everything going on with my mom, but summer is still technically coming to an end.

It was a VERY good day :) Fun was had by all. He got to swim a bit & I got to relax in the sun without having to worry about keeping him occupied & out of trouble.
Something moms of boys will know is not an easy task!

Then, this couple came to the beach, she is pregnant & they have one little girl with them & dad is in a wheelchair. At first I kept thinking, oiy, this is not going to end well. (I used to work at an MR/DD facility & know wheelchair+sand=not a good mix.) But, surprisingly, she got him down to where the water was. Then, something amazing happened, he got out of his chair. :) With her help of course. Sometimes I'm amazed at the love between two people. It always a good thing to see. And this might be me being *that* type of person, but it touched me. In a very good way. So, of course being who I am, I photographed it. Without their knowledge. So, if you know these people, please, let them know that their love for each other touched me :)

So, I guess the thought is, miracles happen every day. And moments like this really DO happen in real life. :D